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Efficient Cross Product Calculator - Free Online Tool

Calculate cross products quickly and accurately with our free online tool. Simply input vectors to compute the result instantly. Easy, efficient, and accessible for all your mathematical needs


First vector

Second vector


Cross Product


  • AxB = Cross Product of 2 vectors
  • x1 = x value of first vector
  • y1 = y value of first vector
  • z1 = z value of first vector
  • x2 = x value of second vector
  • y2 = y value of second vector
  • z2 = z value of second vector


First vector

Initial point

Terminal point

Second vector

Initial point

Terminal point


Cross Product


cross point
  • AxB = Cross Product of 2 vectors
  • x1t1 = x value of first vector terminal point
  • x1i1 = x value of first vector initial point
  • y1t1 = y value of first vector terminal point
  • y1i1 = y value of first vector initial point
  • z1t1 = z value of first vector terminal point
  • z1i1 = z value of first vector initial point
  • x2t2 = x value of second vector terminal point
  • x2i2 = x value of second vector initial point
  • y2t2 = y value of second vector terminal point
  • y2i2 = y value of second vector initial point
  • z2t2 = z value of second vector terminal point
  • z2i2 = z value of second vector initial point

What is a cross product calculator?

A cross product calculator is an online tool used in mathematics and physics to compute the cross product of two vectors. The cross product is a vector operation that results in a vector perpendicular to both input vectors, representing properties like direction and magnitude. This calculator simplifies the manual computation process by allowing users to input the components of the vectors and instantly receive the resultant vector.

It's beneficial for students, engineers, and anyone working with vectors, offering convenience, accuracy, and efficiency in calculating these fundamental operations without the need for complex manual calculations or specialized software.

Why to Use a Cross Product calculator?


Ensures precise calculations without human error, especially when dealing with complex vector operations.


Calculates cross products quickly, saving time compared to manual computations.


Accessible online from anywhere, eliminating the need for manual calculations or specialized software.

Educational Aid

Helps students understand vector mathematics by providing instant results and allowing experimentation with different vectors.

Engineering and Physics Applications:

Essential for professionals in fields like engineering and physics for designing, analyzing forces, and understanding spatial relationships.


Facilitates faster problem-solving in scenarios requiring vector analysis, enhancing productivity and decision-making.

Where Cross Product Calculator Tool Can Be Used?


Engineers use cross products to calculate moments, torques, and angular momentum in mechanical and structural designs.


Physicists utilize cross products to determine magnetic fields, rotational motion, and electromagnetic forces.

Computer Graphics:

In 3D computer graphics, cross products are used to calculate surface normals, lighting effects, and transformations.


Cross products help astronomers study celestial mechanics, orbital dynamics, and planetary motions

Navigation and GIS:

Geospatial applications use cross products for calculating angles, orientations, and distances between points on the Earth's surface.


Cross products are essential for robot motion planning, kinematics, and controlling robotic arms in various orientations.

Mathematics Education:

It serves as a valuable educational tool for teaching vector operations and geometry in schools and universities.

Game Development:

Cross products are used in game engines to handle physics simulations, collisions, and character movements.

How to Use a Cross Product Calculator Tool?

Input Vectors:

Enter the components (usually x, y, and z coordinates) of the two vectors for which you want to calculate the cross product. Each vector is typically represented as (ax, ay, az) and (bx, by, bz).

Submit Calculation:

Click on the "Calculate" button or similar option provided by the calculator tool to initiate the computation.

Result Display:

The tool will then compute the cross product of the two vectors and display the resultant vector. The result is typically presented as a vector with components (cx, cy, cz).


Understand the result: - The resultant vector (cx, cy, cz) is perpendicular to both input vectors (ax, ay, az) and (bx, by, bz). - The direction of the resultant vector follows the right-hand rule in relation to the input vectors. - The magnitude of the resultant vector indicates the area of the parallelogram formed by the two input vectors.

Additional Features

Some cross product calculators may offer additional features such as visualization, vector normalization, and scalar triple product calculations depending on their design and purpose.

Use in Applications

Apply the computed cross product vector to solve specific problems or utilize it in further calculations within your field of study or work.


In conclusion, a cross product calculator is a valuable tool for mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and students alike. It simplifies the complex process of computing cross products between vectors, offering instant and accurate results. By eliminating the potential for human error and reducing the time required for manual calculations, these tools enhance efficiency and productivity. Moreover, they aid in understanding vector relationships and facilitate problem-solving across diverse disciplines including physics, engineering design, computer graphics, and more. Accessible online and easy to use, cross product calculators empower users to focus more on analysis and application, driving innovation and advancing knowledge in their respective fields.

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